We Are the

Pizza Oven Bros

"Pizza Over Everything"

Who We Are

Pizza Oven Bros, a subsidiary of Fireside BBQ & Appliances, has been a trusted name in California and across the country for over 45 years.

Our journey into the world of pizza began with a simple passion – a love for the perfect pie. It all started in our backyard gatherings, where the aroma of freshly baked pizza mingled with laughter and conversation.

As families and friends gathered around, we found joy in crafting pizzas from scratch, experimenting with flavors, and perfecting our techniques. It was in these moments, surrounded by loved ones and the sizzle of the oven, that the idea for Pizza Oven Bros was born. Inspired by our shared love of pizza and the memories created around our backyard ovens, we decided to focus solely on providing the finest selection of pizza ovens to fellow enthusiasts.

From traditional wood-fired ovens to modern gas-powered models, we strive to offer the perfect oven for every pizza lover's needs. Our dedication to quality, craftsmanship, and customer satisfaction remains unwavering as we continue to share our passion for pizza with backyard chefs across the nation.

Our mom calls us the Ninja Turtles because we are four brothers who just love to eat pizza all day. That is why it made perfect sense to start Pizza Oven Bros to show our love for Pizza and help bring these amazing ovens to people in their homes. - Armen Aslanian Co-Founder of Pizza Oven Bros. 

Get in Touch

Want to find the perfect pizza oven or just talk pizza in general? Get in touch!

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